Fabulous Fiber, LLC

High-speed Internet service provider in Kankakee

Fabulous Fiber Internet Services provides internet solutions that grow with your company.  Fast reliable internet to keep you connected.
  • Well, she didn't see That coming.
  • The future as we see it. Signals from heaven, Earthly surprises, it's a fireworks show in a hall of mirrors. But we have seen the future, fiber optic technologies and it's going to be great!
  • Considering co-location?
  • Internet. Our fiber optic Internet is about as fast as anything can be. Uphill or down, and as smooth as a lonely country road. Safe, secure and comfortable, for your customers, for yourself. We invite you to visit our new data center, a short drive south of Chicago. Available now: Rack space at bargain prices.
  • I think I found the problem.
  • Attention, executives everywhere! Opportunity is ever near, and yet, so hard to find! How many times must you pass it by before you finally see it? Listen, to the little people, and take their opinions seriously. Pray for peace, and pass the ammunition!

Powerful Internet For Business

Fabulous Fiber LLC is a fiber based service provider in Kankakee Illinois. Internet services include fiber optic, wireless, Wi-Fi, and traditional ISP (Internet Service Provider) service. Fabulous Fiber LLC is a startup from scratch company our primary partner is Great Plains Communications. Notable local clients include the County and City of Kankakee networks.

Fabulous Fiber Ready Buildings

These Fiber Ready buildings offer fast, secure access to leading business technologies like virtual private network (VPN) and voice over IP (VoIP) services.  Businesses also have access to an infrastructure that supports  enhanced in-building wireless coverage and speeds.


Fabulous Fiber has local & responsive technical support.


Unify web hosting, internet service, backups and more under one service company.


Reliable and fast internet service increases productivity among employees.


Seamlessly video conference with suppliers, customers, and business partners.